Friday, August 12, 2011

Oh how I love Mr. Potato Head

Let me start off by saying that Naty and Ella are both very technologically (is that even a word?) savvy.  Most of this gift stems from their hearing loss.  Ever since they were born, they've had to rely completely on their vision until they received their implants.  It was never easy to try to sneak around the house because if they caught you out of the corner of their eye, you were busted.  When their aunt Misty got her first iPhone, guess who took it over when she was around? Natalie.  She would go directly to the pictures and expertly slide her finger across the screen scanning each and every one of them.  Her passion for iPods and iPhones have grown since then.  She knows what games to go on, how to play them, and even managed to buy an app on her aunt Misty's phone. 

As soon as I saw a sale on a droid, I jumped on it.  Not just for me (haha) but for the girls.  For the first week or two, I was able to conceal the fact that my phone was better than aunt Misty's iPhone.  She hadn't realized yet what all it could do.  Then the day came when she finally figured it out.  I then loaded down my phone with games for her including Memory for Kids, Mr. Potato Head, Kid's Doodle, Musical Toys, and my personal fave Fish Fart Kids.

Memory for Kids is a great one especially for kids who are visually stimulated.  Not that I'm bragging, but my child is a genius.  Her brain soaks everything up and she's learned to really focus on one certain thing.  She's able to shut out the world and concentrate.  I hope this ability stays with her forever because let's face it, her mother and father are not that talented.

What can I say about Mr. Potato Head.  I LOVE this app.! We are at the point where we are teaching Natalie body parts and what better way to do that than Mr. Potato Head.  Naty has learned eyes, nose, ears, and mouth all because she gets to makeover Mr. Potato.  She also knows that he has to have all these important body parts to function.  She doesn't ever forget his ears, nose, eyes, and mouth.  Too bad you can't attach an implant to the ears.  Hmmmm..........light bulb!!

So you see, technology isn't all THAT bad.  Especially for children with disabilities.  If you give them something that strengthens the abilities they DO have, they grow and adapt and make things possible.....their way.  So yes, I am thankful for iPods and iPhone's and any other piece of technology that will help her grow, no matter how different her ways are.

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