Wednesday, August 10, 2011

PeePee in the Potty!!

I have to give a huge shoutout to my 3 yr old daughter Natalie. Woop Woop! Since yesterday she has TOLD me when she has to peepee. 3 years old you say? Isn't that a little too old you say? Well not for Miss Naty. Because of her hearing impairment it has been extremely difficult to try to potty train. Considering she's only been hearing for roughly a year, it's not like we could explain it to her like you would a normal 3 year old.

But yesterday was the day. She had gotten to the point where she would pretty much let you know when her pullup was soiled so we all knew it was time. I realized how tired I was of buying diapers for Ella and pullups for Naty, so I just decided panties it was. Well after about 15 minutes I went ahead and sat her on the big girl potty. I told her to puuuuuuush (she also knows that word, yay!) and she did and guess what.....I heard a distinct tinkle! It was like music to my ears! She heard herself doing it and basked in the glory while I was doing the happy dance in the bathroom. I made sure stress the "PeePee" part in hopes that she would tell me she had to "PeePee." Do you know that she used the potty ALL day yesterday, even at church! Of course I was a little unsure and put a pullup on her but she pulled her sister up from the pew and made her take her to the bathroom! You're talking about one proud mommy.

We have started the morning off great but all we can do is take it one day at a time.

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