Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ella's surgery part 2

The rest of the day after Ella Bella’s surgery was pretty uneventful….except for one thing. 
Ella’s anesthesia started wearing off shortly after my last post.  Her breathing was really bad.  It’s one of those things where, as a mother, you want to have some sort of mechanism that allows you to reach down her throat and pull out all that nasty junk.  I know I know, a little too much information.  But if that gives you any indication of what she sounded like, it was pretty bad.  When she started coming out, she seemed to be in pretty good spirits.  We kept her full of Tylenol to help with the pain so all in all she was feeling ok.  The dr. signed off on letting her have  a regular diet which was great because, bless her heart, she was starving.  With the other surgeries, they were not able to eat till the next day because a) the surgery was more traumatic and b) there was more anesthesia involved resulting in them being out of it a lot longer.  In Ella’s case this time though everything started happening right after they opened her up.
That evening we ordered room service.  Doug and I joked about how great it would be if they turned down our bed for us and left one of those little chocolates on our pillow.  Sadly this was not the definition of room service in this case.   We were able to order 2 parent trays and of course a tray for Ella.  We decided to get her spaghetti which at the time sounded like a great idea.  It was the only thing on there that I thought she could eat because of her lack of toofies and she LOVED spaghetti.  Doug and I ordered our trays and we waited 45 minutes for our feast to arrive. 
After finishing our “delicious” meal compliments of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, I laid down on the plastic couch to try to rest a little.  As I was laying there I kept hearing Ella cough and each cough made me feel worse and worse for her.  All of a sudden I hear Ella let out this burp that made the walls rattle and I hear a sound that I’ve heard once before, from the movie “The exorcism.”  I hear Doug yell “Help, help, help!” and I jumped up like being shot out of a cannon.  I rushed up to the crib and see Doug holding Ella and a puddle, yes a puddle, of spaghetti mixed with chocolate milk on the bed.  I just stood there in shock.  What do I do?  What do I do?  I finally snapped out of it and pushed the nurse’s button.  “Yes?”  The nurse asked calmly.  All I managed to get out was “Um, she just vomited all over the bed…..”    
The first thing out of Doug’s mouth was “You gotta blog about this.”  Hahahaha.

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