Friday, May 20, 2011

The Love of a Mother

Recently while mowing the yard, I witnessed the selflessness and love of a true mother.  At this point, our grass was in desperate need of some TLC.  Down below our house is our “field.”  The grass in that part of the yard had grown a good foot since the last time it was mowed.  When I set out on the lawnmower heading towards the field, I noticed a bird fly up out of the grass.  Not thinking anything about it, I set out to mow.  When I started my 3rd stripe, I looked down and to my dismay was this tiny bird, not 6 inches from death.  You would think that this bird would fly off to miss the repercussions from the blades but it just sat there.
I finished out the round pondering the agenda of the bird.  Was it hurt?  Was there a nest?  I came closer to the area and stepped off the mower to investigate.  As I neared, I expected a full blown attack.  I remembered that there are some birds that will chase you off if you come too close so I was prepared to run.  I slowly crept up to it and there it was, still nestled in the grass.  I could see its beady eyes staring me down as I edged closer.  Still it sat there, unmoving.  I realized at this point that she was guarding her precious eggs. 
This little bird was willing to sacrifice her life to guard her eggs.  I quietly crept back to the mower and cranked it up.  Needless to say there is a huge circle in our field that is a foot tall.
As I finished what I had set out to do, I couldn’t help thinking about that bird.  That one little selfless act had taught me so much.  We, as mothers, are just like that bird.  We will sacrifice anything to make sure that our little ones are safe and untouched, even if that means sacrificing our lives.   Speaking of sacrificing………another great man I know is just like that bird.  God.   He sent his son to die on the cross for us.  His only son…………How do you question such a selfless act?  He wrapped his arms around us to save us.  Would we be able to do something like that??
I think if more mothers took a lesson from that bird then maybe, just maybe, there wouldn’t be as  many kids on the street wondering what they did to end up there.

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