Saturday, May 21, 2011

~Pop-Top Birthday present~

Who doesn't love to open things using a pop top??  This was made for my 10 year old's boyfriend (mmm hmmm) for his birthday that's coming up.  She informed me that he liked Pokemon so I set out trying to find a cute craft to incorporate into his present.  I will show you step-by-step how to make your own pop-top presents for any occasion.
You will need the following items:

*a can containing a pop top (any size depending on contents)
*wrapping paper of your choice
*a can opener
*a gift to go inside the can
* Easter grass or some sort of tissue to go inside the can
*any embellishments or decorations for the outside

*hot glue gun
Start off opening the BOTTOM of the can using the can opener.  This is a very important step.  Don't do what I did and open it using the pop top.  This defeats the purpose of the project.  Also do NOT throw the bottom of the lid away.  You will need it.
The next thing I did was put his pokemon cards that I had purchased in the can, followed by a note from my daughter :), and covered it with easter grass on top.  You've got to remember you're doing everything bottom side up.  The easter grass will also prevent hot glue from getting on your contents inside the can.
You will then hot glue the lid back on the can.  Notice this does not have to be pretty.  This is the bottom of the can so no one will really see it.
I then measured out the wrapping paper to fit the can.
After cutting out the wrapping paper, you wrap it around the can securing it with hot glue.  Don't worry, for some reason you'll always be off on your measurements so you always have to trim a little here and there.
Considering he likes Pokemon, I decided to find an image on the computer and print it off adding "Happy Birthday Jacob!!" below it. 
I used my handy dandy scissors to cut it out and hot glued it to the front of the can.
After adding curling ribbon to the pop top using coordinating colors, I was done!  You have your own personalized gift made just for them!
These are great for anything!  Chocolate and ear plugs for new moms, little tools for dad's....the possibilities are endless!

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